Mount Royal in Montreal has three separate peaks or summits, each offering it's own style and challenge of riding to them on a bike. I typically ride the to the main summit in the Mount Royal park, via the Notre dame des Neiges cemetery, as you can read in some of my previous blog posts.
Occasionally, I'll ride to the summit park on Westmount peak, via Summit Circle. Bit more of an uphill ride, but significantly shorter from where I live.
The third peak is the Outremont summit, one which I've never bothered riding to up until today.
Today's challenge was to ride up all three summits to their peaks in one ride.
I started off with the Westmount Summit, riding up Victoria, Sunnyside, to Summit Circle. Stopped for a quick selfie next to the Summit Woods.
From there, I headed down Belvedere, across Cote Des Neiges, and up
Rememberance / Camillien Houde, to the summit trail, up to the radio tower.
Looping around chemin Olmstead, I passed the chalet Mont Royal, back out across Camillien Houde, into the Mount Royal cemetery. Riding North across the cemetery, you get a glimpse of the Outremont summit / peak, also known as Mount Murray. The roads get progressively steeper, and the cemetery's summit is accessible either from either direction once you hit this sign.
The roads leading to the peak are probably the steepest roads in Montreal, which definitely make for a good workout on the way up, and a speedy ride down. Though I've been up the Northern face of the Outremont peak via the University of Montreal, this was my first time actually hitting the highest point of Murray Hill which is in the cemetery itself. The selfie I shot didn't come out too well, so I won't bother posting it here.