Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Biking the Soulanges Canal bike trail

Been a long time since I've posted anything here, most of my blogging time has been spent focusing on my fishing blog ( ).

I fish the Soulanges canal quite often, mainly from a float tube, or in the winter, on ice. I rarely use the bike trail that runs about 24 km along the canal, other than walking a bit to find access to the water, to fish.

Yesterday, I decided to take my wife there for the first time. We brought along our bikes, and the plan was to bike most of the trail and back to the parking spot, a good 40 KM ride.

Much like the Lachine canal, the Soulanges canal was for cargo barges to bypass rapids in the St Lawrence river before the seaway was built. Once the seaway was ready for traffic, the Soulanges canal was pretty much closed off into various segments, with North/South road crossing between each segment. The North side borders the hwy, while the bike trail runs mainly along the South side for most of it's length.

Though it has now been extended, the Soulanges canal trail runs from Coteau du Lac, through Les Coteaux, Les Cedres, and eventually ends in the nature parc in Pointe Des Cascades. Being paved, and with very few inclines, it's an easy ride that allows for bike traffic from beginners to pros, who use it for distance training.

For my wife an I, it was a bit of a date, spending some time together without the kids. Though it was her first ride in over 8 months, she managed the 40 km trek quite well, albeit at her own pace.

We stopped for a quick pic halfway through the ride, at the start of the canal, as we were parked close to the other end.

Hope to be back to the Soulanges canal with her more often this season, float tube for me, marathon training for her.

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